Study study study! I need to have more concentration!
Especially when its for my final paper in degree (cross-fingers).
I can't stop thinking about going home to my girls, but I'm not ready to leave Melbourne just yet. Its too quick! (thats in less than a month btw) :( :(
I love being independent here.
But knowing me, I'm probably gonna start taking everything for granted once again. :(

Gonna miss these chill-out moments...
Random tea time at cafes.
Yes, clubs in Melb beats KL's anytime! :p
The one I'm gonna miss most.
Being able to be outdoor during the day without the worry of being sweaty and sticky!
Taking things for granted; having mum almost 24/7 around me!
And Malaysia's cheap food delivery services, and MY CAR!
Ever thought of moving out, getting my own place?
Definitely. But with "nada" constant salary going into my bank account now,
looking for my own place is definitely not an option.
Hmm.. Lots to think about after finals.
And who would have thought that after completing a degree course, life would be easier..
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