Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Year 2 papers

So here's a post on how my exam went.

First, was the MC paper which I sat on 11th June and did not had time to finish. Yeah, I know. BooHoo. :( 2 hours is just not enough for answering 5 short questions and 2 essays. Well ok la, maybe at least I attempted all of the questions. Some whom I know, couldn't finish like 2-3 short questions. Almost everyone were complaining right after the paper that they didn't had enough time to finish. Argh, now we're just hoping to pass the paper. So much for acing the MC paper. :(

Second paper, which was OB, quite a disaster. Worst than earthquake, hurricane, flood and tsunami! Ok fine, I'm exaggerating. But yeah, I screwed up part of the paper. :( Towards the last 5minutes of writing time, I then only realised that I answered the question wrongly. Again, so much for acing the paper. And my confidence level now.... Drop till cannot drop anymore. *faints* Then again, I guess this is what sleeping only at 6am in the morning does to you. Lets us all just hope for the best now. *falls even lower*

AIS! Stupid paper. Those of what I studied, only one stupid question came out. ONE! Other chapters, none. And those chapters which I barely touched, questions were from there! I manage to did the spreadsheet part and all. Wait, no use talking about here. You wouldn't understand what I'm saying would you? Lol. Oh well.

Fin Accounting paper... I lazy to write about it. Coz... exams are over! :) :) :)

I'm happy now. Can't you feel it? Lol.

Note to Cheryl: My fringe is longer now! :D
Next stop: Loreal sales & more shopping! :)

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