Results are out! Jeng jeng jeng..... I don't know how I should feel. I'm partly jumping for joy coz I didn't failed anything. But also a little disappointed on the grades I got for my 2 management subjects. So... Hmm.. I guess its as long as I didn't fail any subjects that counts? :) :)
Anyways, I went to lookout point at Ampang on Tuesday night. The view was great! Thankfully that it wasn't really cold as I didn't bring jacket. No 1 told me that we were going up the hill. What I got was, "Kok Hou wanna take pictures. Lets go." Lol. So apart from Kok Hou and Han Yang using their DSLR, I used my amature little Canon Ixus 990 IS to fool around.
The "soul sucking" picture. Lol.
And my personal favorite. :)
Harry Potter wasn't what I expected. But it was alright.