Friday, October 16, 2009


The week before last week was the Mooncake Festival. Few of my uni mates wanted to play candles one day before at the field near my place. Just for fun. :) As we were there for about only an hour, the girls said they had to go. Why? Curfew. And what time was it? 10.30pm. Damn, it was early! The night was still young man. Haha. So, the rest of us went to Tanjung to have a drink. At the end, we decided to catch a movie. Sorority Row was okay. :)
*Names of friends shall remain anonymous for personal reasons*
The guys ended the candle night by doing this.

I'm kind of sick with McDonalds already. Having to do assignment there till late night, eating large meal set to get the cup collection every week. I'm craving for mango-loh now. Jom, lets go Kei Tak Sek!! Teehee.
Ok, since I'm not allowed to put your picture, I shall just talk about you. And yet again, I miss having you back here. As you're always the one who's available for me to pull out when I have random cravings, or feeling bored, or just feel like going out. Sometimes even when I need ah mat to fetch me somewhere. Teehee. Don't smack me, as I'd do the same to you too. As in being there la. Lol. Oh, and guess what? I didn't get to eat any ramadan food this year! At all at all!

So I've been busy with assignments these couple of weeks. Its a pain in the butt as finals is at the end of the month! I guess I'm finally free of assignments. For now. Rest for a day, and will have to start studying soon. I'm so tired nowadays that I can sleep the whole day! :( Nights!

0 Spills: